How Baseball Works

A guide to Major League Baseball

brought to you by Ab Initio Games


The Basics
Hitting/Getting on Base
Scoring and Base- Running
Batting Lineup
Fielding and Positions
Rotation and the Bullpen
Pitches and Pitching
Regular Season
World Series and Playoffs
Umpires and Scorers
The Field of Play
All-Star Game
Common Terms
Useful Links
Index Page
Gameplan Baseball

Useful Links

The following websites may also prove of interest to the Baseball fan.

Gameplan Baseball The interactive Baseball game who brought you this website.
PBM Sports All of the other games, sports and non-sports, run by the Gameplan Baseball people.
Major League Baseball Major League Baseball, the main baseball league in the USA.
Baseball Softball UK Baseball and Softball in the United Kingdom


This website, "How Baseball Works", is a guide to the game of the Baseball, brought to you by the online interactive Baseball Management game, Gameplan Baseball. For more details about Gameplan Baseball, including our free online startup offer please see Ab Initio Games or contact: